How to Use LinkedIn to Increase Your Sales Prospects

Adapt to the new normal by using LinkedIn to create a sales funnel.
Everyone seems to be on LinkedIn posting content, should you be doing the same?
Since lockdown, we have noticed that there has been an uptick in the number of people posting content on LinkedIn. Some of these people posted nothing or very little prior to the lock down.
LinkedIn users are becoming more active and more prolific on the platform. Of the 500 million total LinkedIn users, 3 million share content on a weekly basis – just a touch over 1% of monthly users. This number gives you a clear indication that there is still plenty of room for YOU.
Plus, it gives you confirmation that MANY people use LinkedIn and it must be for a reason.
Not having social media is like renting an office or shop on the high street, turning the lights off, locking the doors and putting the closed sign on display when everyone else is open for business.
As the shops close, offices shrink, and people work remotely, more and more people are turning to social media as a substitute for their shop front.
Your customers, peers, influencers and coworkers are finding themselves searching on social media and connecting with people. If you’re not a part of it then you’re left out.
If you are out of site then you are out of mind.
So then, why not?
Why not be on social media posting valuable content if that’s where your potential customers are hanging out?

How can social media be a valuable sales tool in your business?
Needless to say, the best method of getting new customers is: word of mouth. Referrals.
That genuine success story that your customer raves about to their friends can’t be replaced. Social media is like the online version of referrals.
It is social proof that you are good at what you do and worth working with!
So what you can do to increase your social media presence and turn your platform into a lead generation resource?
In this article we will cover how social media can be a great sales tool but we will also go on to discover:
→ where to start and how
→ the top 7 tips for using social media for lead generation purposes
→ how to write a catchy one liner about what you do that adds value to your audience
Where to Start and How

Most companies know they need to be more active on social media but below are just some reasons that are used as arguments against learning the art of managing social media :
- No time and no resource to dedicate to it
- What do we post? What do we say? How often should we post? Why should we post?
- I don’t like it. It’s not the traditional model of doing business that I am used to.
All of the above should not stop you using social media when the platform itself is designed to boost your business, your brand and your customer engagement.
Social media can only be a positive addition to your business.
Read that line above again.
Granted, it can be confusing. I don’t disagree with you on that. It can be overwhelming not knowing where to begin.
Let’s dive into where you can start and how to get going. I want to lift the fog for you and help you get a little closer to using your profile to get the results you have only heard rumours about.
Our Top 7 Tips on How to Use Social Media for Lead Generation:
Number 1
It’s best to use your personal profile rather than your company profile to post content. LinkedIn favours personal profiles which is where all of your key profile features are visible: experience, qualifications, connections, awards etc.
Number 2:
Know your audience.
Make sure you have a niche target audience. It’s easy to remain broad and generic in the hope to attract the masses but actually you’re doing the opposite because you’re confusing your reader.
For example if you’re a financial advisor there are many products that you offer and a huge pool of customers you can help. If you try to promote all your services to many different customer segments, you run the risk of confusing your brand and stifling your success. Niche down and focus.

Have a look at the three profile examples below to see how much of a difference it makes when you pick a niche and have purpose behind your profile.

Which one out of the 3 would you most likely pick to work with when reading their headline?
Simon stands out by a mile, right?
Simon has a clear full name, a great photo, but most importantly a strap line that is specific, to the point and clear. A potential customer (in the legal sector especially) reading this will know instantly that Simon is the perfect advisor for them because he is speaking directly to his target audience.
Number 3
Find out what your customers are talking about. If, like Simon, you’re a financial advisor but instead of specialising in the legal sector you specialise in the entertainment industry, then your customers are going to be different to Simon’s. Therefore you need to do your research on keywords to explore what your customers are researching and looking for. This will determine what you write about.
Number 4
Create a social media campaign to keep you organised and on track.
💡Choose the optimal days of the week to post.
💡Decide which platform you’re going to use. For example : Facebook, LinkedIn, Website etc.
💡Select the purpose of the post i.e is it a Top Tip? Is it a motivational post? Is it educational, announcement, thought leadership?
💡What format are you doing to choose for each post? There are many options such as video, text, photo, infographic, article etc. Top tip here is to keep it varied! Don’t just do long texts or pictures. Keep it diverse with a mixture of videos, texts and pictures.
💡Decide what outcome out want from each post. What is your call to action? Do you want the reader to comment below, like, share, or buy? Make it clear.

Number 5
Plan your posts in advance and prepare in BULK.
Most people give up with social media because it feels like an extra task. This is often due to lack of preparation. Trying to write a post last minute is not fun and definitely not effective. So, plan your monthly content in advance and plan in days dedicated to creating that content. E.g. A video content filming day.
If you’ve not got the time to edit the videos as this is a technical job and very time consuming, this is something you could outsource providing you can film a good quality video.
Number 6
Engage with other people! Don’t expect people to show you all the love when you’re not doing the same. The social media unspoken rule or etiquette if you like, is that you do with others what you would like done to you. If you want a recommendation or a testimonial, give one! If you want people to like and comment on your posts then you do the same for them.
Comment on other people’s posts and start conversations.
Number 7
Add value! Make sure that your target audience actually gets value from what you put out there.
Look at the difference between these posts:

The first 2 are self promotional. Their posts focus on their personal achievements whereas Sandra’s one is actually all about educating the reader and providing valuable information. Readers like this type of content because they are learning. They will see you as a leader and an expert. This builds trust and rapport.
If you need to revamp your LinkedIn profile and would like guidance on how to express what you do effectively, please visit our website and book a discovery call!
Liked this article? If you want to learn more about our LinkedIn tips and tricks, you may be interested in: The 12 Do’s and Don’ts for social media. What to do and what not to do.