Elmbank Mortgages
“I know I need to be more active on social media but I don’t know how” was the first thing Sara said in our meeting. She was keen to get to work and stretch out of her comfort zone but at her own pace
What We Did
We broke down all the tips and tricks to using social media. Everything from: where to post, how to post, when to post, what to post etc. We checked all her social media profiles were accurate and she walked away with lots of content ideas.
The Results
We can accommodate anybody’s pace. She managed to create 2 videos in 4 weeks in comparison never before had she touched a camera. Her posts on Facebook that we created together have prompted existing clients to get back in touch and discuss new business.
What Our Client's Said.
I am so grateful to have had the privilege of meeting and working with Ros 😁
Such a lovely lady and she has taught me so much about social media and took me out of my comfort zone (which I needed) to move forward with a plan of action.
I will continue to work alongside her to build up my profile in the right way and am excited about the prospect of what is to come!
I would thoroughly recommend you speak to her as she has so many ideas
Thank you Ros so much 😁
Elmbank Mortgages