Profoundly’s business is 24/7. Building connections across continents. Through talking with them we helped them to reflect about the next chapter in their business: Visibility.
Their business was achieving great things, but they were struggling to find time to share their results to the world.
Profoundly’s message was being diluted by the fact that they didn’t have a presence online.
What We Did
We worked with Profoundly to help identify the specific case studies to showcase their best work.
We spent time with Profoundly’s founder on each case study and helped identify the key message behind each case.
By crafting each case into a long form blog post we helped to bring a public voice that distilled the essence behind Profoundly’s brand.

Ideation & Strategy

Long Form Content
The Results
"The Content Hive have brought my stories to life and found the perfect words to express exactly what I was thinking."